With over 40 years of experience in the field of engine cooling, DASIS is the specialist for spare parts in original equipment quality, repairs and individual solutions. We stock over 160,000 items in our central warehouse in Mülheim-Kärlich. About ours Shop you can check the availability of the items at any time and initiate the ordering process.
A special feature is the 360o view. We have now added over 9.000 items to TecDoc and our shop system. This makes it even easier for you to find the right spare part. We are constantly expanding this service for you.
The goods are delivered worldwide and quickly due to the many different transport methods.
Engine cooling function:
In the internal combustion engine, a large part of the energy contained in the fuel is converted into heat. This must be effectively dissipated into the environment, otherwise the engine will overheat and serious damage will occur to the engine mechanics. The engine cooling system is supposed to prevent this. This releases excess heat into the outside air. Part of the heat transported by the cooling system is used to heat up the vehicle interior as needed.